How do I edit multiple employees that already exist in PayClock Online in Bulk Add / Edit Employees?
There is a way to do bulk editing in PayClock Online of your current employees. This requires exporting them as a CSV file and then re-Importing them through the Bulk Add / Edit Employees process.
First you need to export your current employees to a csv file
- In the navigation list to the left, click on the arrow next to Employees to open the sub-menu.
- In the available list, select Export Employee Details.
- If you wish to include Terminated, Inactive, or Salaried employees with your csv file, place a check in each corresponding box.
- Press Download.
Next, you need to import the csv file you created.
- In the navigation list to the left, click on the arrow next to Employees to open the sub-menu.
- In the available list, select Bulk Add / Edit Employees.
- Press Select File at the top.
- In the pop up window press the Browse... button.
- Select the CSV file you wish to use on your computer.
- The CSV file will be validated, once the validation completes the Import .CSV button will become available .
- Press the Import .CSV button.
- If the process detects any errors you will be presented with an Import Errors window. If you wish for PayClock Online to correct any issues it is able to, press Fix Errors.
- Once the process completes, you will get a list of your current employees that you can make edits to.
Finally, you will need to Validate and Save your employee changes.
- Make any changes that you wish to your employee(s). You will be unable to continue until there are no red cells. Below the list of employees, to the right, will be an error count. When all errors are addressed this button will become Validate and Save.
- Press Validate and Save.
- If you encounter any errors, a change you made may have introduced a duplicate value, for example two employees may now have the same PIN number. PayClock Online will attempt to correct this and you will need to Validate and Save again.
- Once this completes you will be presented with a Success screen. You will be able to Select Another File to import an additional CSV file or Go To Employees to make any further edits to your employees.
Wed 08/14/2019